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Showing posts from April, 2023

Free, Downloadable Tech Backgrounds for May 2023!

Hooray, it’s officially May and that means it’s time to update your tech backgrounds. With a new month comes a new opportunity to make small changes now for the best possible future. I can almost smell summertime right around the corner and I can’t wait! For this month’s tech backgrounds, I mixed some of the excitement of the summertime with some of the joys of spring to bring you a collection of 15 beautiful tech backgrounds to choose from.  CURRENTLY TRENDING / FASHION The Everygirl’s Summer 2023 Capsule Wardrobe After months of cold weather, we’re ready to dive headfirst into the waters of the most glorious season of the entire year.  READ NOW     Click to Download Calendar—Sunday Start Desktop   |  iPhone |  Samsung Galaxy iPad/ Tablet |  Second Screen Calendar—Monday Start Desktop   |  iPhone  |  Samsung Galaxy iPad / Tablet No Calendar Desktop   |   iPhone  |  Samsung Galaxy ...

Your May 2023 Horoscopes are Here!

It may be hard to believe, but summer is almost here. And with all the sunshine and warm days, you may be developing senioritis. Who wants to be in the office (or home office) when you can be sunbathing? There’s another reason for that feeling, too: We start off May right in the thick of Mercury retrograde . To add to that, there’s also a lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5, so with all this action, you may feel disoriented. Don’t worry, though, because Mercury retrograde only lasts through May 14, and then we’ll be in the clear. Another important event this month is Jupiter’s entry into Taurus since the planet takes about one year to make its way through each sign. To find out what all this means for your zodiac sign, keep reading for your May horoscope below.  CURRENTLY TRENDING / FASHION The Everygirl’s Summer 2023 Capsule Wardrobe After months of cold weather, we’re ready to dive headfirst into the waters of the most glorious season of the entire year.  READ NOW ...

8 Tips to Take the Stress Out of Traveling With Your Significant Other

There are a few things that I’ve gotten pretty good at over the years: filling in my eyebrows , making brownies, and traveling with my significant other. While these are vastly different skills, they all require two things to perfect: patience and practice.  CURRENTLY TRENDING / FASHION The Everygirl’s Summer 2023 Capsule Wardrobe After months of cold weather, we’re ready to dive headfirst into the waters of the most glorious season of the entire year.  READ NOW I’m willing to admit to anyone who asks that traveling with a significant other is by far one of the more hard-to-perfect skills (and yes, I do consider it a skill). That’s because traveling harmoniously together can be downright difficult. On top of the unavoidable stress that comes with travel , you’re supposed to figure out how to balance travel styles, decide on an itinerary, divvy up responsibilities, manage travel budgets , and have a good time together. That’s a tall order if you ask me. I don’t say ...